01323 884322
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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions Relating to All Work Contracted by Hero Plumbing Ltd.

Suspected Gas Leaks

Suspected gas leaks must always be reported to the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. They provide important information about any contract you may enter into with Hero Plumbing Ltd, including how we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem, and other important information. "Company" refers to Hero Plumbing Ltd. If you are uncertain about your rights or want an explanation about them, please contact us by phone, post, or email as provided below.

1. Information About Us and How to Contact Us

1.1 We are Hero Plumbing Ltd, our company registration number is 12345355, and our contact address is Unit 16, Swan Barn Business Centre, Swan Barn Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2BY. Our VAT number is 374 209 690.

1.2 You can contact us by telephoning our customer service team on 01323 884322 or by writing to us at help@heroplumbing.co.uk.

1.3 If we need to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you via email or the postal address provided by you.

1.4 When we use the words "writing" or "written" in these terms, this includes emails.

2. Definitions

2.1 Work: Any plumbing-related products and/or services provided by a Hero Plumbing Ltd employee. This may include subcontractors on occasions.

2.2 Order: Any plumbing-related products and/or services required for any work you need Hero Plumbing Ltd to complete.

2.3 Boiler: An appliance located at the domestic property that heats hot water and/or provides heating by gas or electricity.

2.4 Heating System: Includes hot water cylinder, heating pipework, pump, motorised valves, radiators, radiator valves, programmer/timers, cylinder thermostats, room thermostats, and pressure controls.

2.5 Plumbing System: Includes tap repairs, hot and cold water pipes internal to the domestic property, and cold water tanks.

2.6 Bathroom Breakdowns: Silicone sealants on baths and showers, ball valves and float valves, stopcocks and gate valves, and above-ground drainage.

2.7 Start Date: The date stated on the contract as the start of the service plan or quoted work which you, the customer, have agreed to with Hero Plumbing Ltd.

2.8 Force Majeure: Any circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, industrial actions, lockouts of domestic premises, labour shortages, material shortages, traffic delays, adverse weather conditions (including flooding, storms, ice, snow, extreme heat), fire, accidents, or war. A failure or delay attributable to any electricity, water, or gas network or the act or omission of any party for whom Hero Plumbing Ltd is not responsible.

2.9 Boiler Service: Includes the following:

  • Visual check of the pipework and boiler
  • Removing the boiler casing and checking:
    • The correct gas pressure and flow rate
    • Flue and combustion checked with a flue analyser to ensure the boiler is burning the right mixture of gas and air, and the flue is not blocked or leaking
    • Electrical connections are in order, clean, and in good condition
    • Fans are working efficiently
    • Seals are in good condition
    • Electrodes are in good condition
    • Safety devices are checked
    • Condense trap and pipe are not blocked and are free-flowing
    • Water and gas pipework are checked

2.10 Quoted Work: Pre-planned or pre-arranged and detailed work agreed upon and accepted by the customer, provided in a written document.

2.11 Changes to Work: Additional work requested by you, the customer, once the original job has been accepted.

2.12 Emergency Work/Urgent Repair or Maintenance Work: Occasions when we are called to deal with emergency work or urgent repair maintenance work to avoid damage to property and/or risk to health, including:

  • Bursting or sudden leakage of water pipes within your property or complete failure of your domestic hot water heating
  • Failure of or damage to your plumbing or drainage systems within your property
  • Failure of your mains services for which you are legally responsible (i.e., plumbing, drainage, and home electrics)
  • Complete failure of your central heating system involving a boiler

All work listed in clause 2.12 is subject to:

  • Verbal agreement of costs
  • Acceptance of no written quote being provided
  • Emergency and/or urgent work being excluded from the 14-day cooling-off period

2.13 Service Plan: Refers to an agreement between you and Hero Plumbing Ltd for the services chosen on the specified service plan. It is not an insurance policy. Full details of the three options available are shown on our website www.heroplumbing.co.uk.

2.14 Contract: Entering an agreement of work between you, the customer, and Hero Plumbing Ltd, specified by you where Hero Plumbing Ltd supplies products and/or services in exchange for money. Hero Plumbing Ltd will enter into a contract of work with you, the customer, in the following circumstances:

  • After a quote has been accepted by you, the customer
  • When you have applied and been accepted onto one of our service plans
  • When you have agreed to changes in the work schedule and accepted any additional costs when and if they arise
  • In an emergency or for urgent repair maintenance work, the agreement will be verbal and the 14-day cooling-off period will be exempt (see clause 2.12)

Acceptance in the following manner:

  • Electronic email to help@heroplumbing.co.uk
  • By letter to Unit 16, Swan Barn Business Centre, Swan Barn Road, Hailsham, BN27 2BY
  • By use of our internal admin system Service M8 which sends a link
  • By phone and instructing one of our staff verbally

3. Changes to Work

3.1 Your Rights to Make Changes: If you wish to make a change to your quoted work, please contact us. We will let you know if the change is possible. If it is possible, we will inform you about any changes to the price of the product(s) and/or services, the timing for delivery, price changes, or anything else necessary as a result of your requested change, and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change.

3.2 Our Rights to Make Changes to Quoted Work: We may change the product(s) and/or services to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements and to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements. These changes will not affect your use of the product(s) and/or services.

3.3 In addition, we may make changes to these terms or the product(s) and/or services, but if we do so, we will notify you and you may then contact us to end the contract.

4. Dates of Work

4.1 We will supply the plumbing services to you from the date set out in the contract or the date requested (such as emergency and/or urgent work), up to the estimated completion date for the services if provided with one.

4.2 If you require a particular date for the work to be carried out, Hero Plumbing Ltd will do all that it reasonably can to meet the dates given for the contracted work.

4.3 In instances when a date for installation cannot be met by you, we reserve the right to charge for any costs incurred, except for circumstances when:

  • We have been provided with reasonable notice by you, the customer. Typically, 48 hours' notice. This excludes special order items which incur restocking charges.
  • If the company fails to perform its obligations due to force majeure/unforeseen circumstances, in such circumstances, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay.

5. Access

5.1 If you have asked us to provide the work or services at your property or address of choice, and you do not allow us access to your property as arranged, we may charge you additional costs incurred by us as a result. If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you or re-arrange access to your property, we may end the contract, but you may still be charged.

5.2 This includes requiring safe and sufficient access for the installation/removal of any goods supplied by Hero Plumbing Ltd and to any authorised repairer to enable them to carry out any repairs.

6. Details of Work

We may need certain information from you so that we can provide the work and/or services that you have requested. We will contact you to ask for this information. If you do not provide us with this information within a reasonable time of us asking for it, or you provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may either end the contract or make an additional charge of a reasonable sum to compensate us for any extra work required as a result. We will not be responsible for providing the services late or not providing any part of them if this is caused by you not giving us the information we need within a reasonable time of us asking for it. Incorrect information in relation to service plans may result in cancellation of your contract.

7. Working Hours

The company will carry out the whole of the work specified in a quotation at the price quoted during normal working hours, which are between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Any variations or additions requested by you will be subject to an additional charge. If the company is delayed or prevented from installing by the agreed date due to delay or default on your part, the company may, on written notice to you, add to the charges a reasonable sum in respect of any additional costs incurred.

8. Consent

You shall, at your own expense, obtain all necessary consents for the installation of the works, including but not limited to building regulations and planning consents, consents from neighbours and mortgage providers, and indemnity.

9. Tenanted Properties

If you are a tenant, you may need your landlord’s permission for an installation to be carried out. Hero Plumbing Ltd will assume such permission has been granted and shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from failure to obtain such permission.

10. Waste Material

The prices specified for any work instruction for Hero Plumbing Ltd do not include the price of removing any dangerous waste materials, such as asbestos, found when carrying out the installation. If, during the execution of the works, dangerous waste is encountered, Hero Plumbing Ltd reserves the right to withdraw its staff immediately until the site is made safe. The cost of removing dangerous material is not included within the price. However, Hero Plumbing Ltd, upon request, will provide a cost for removing dangerous waste and will add this fee to the total quote.

11. Gas Supply

There must be an adequate gas supply to the dwelling before the commencement of the work.

11.1 In circumstances where the gas supply has not been laid, Hero Plumbing Ltd may cancel the contract and shall not have any liability for any costs, loss, or damage arising from such cancellation.

11.2 In certain circumstances, the size of the existing gas rate cannot always be determined. If a new gas line is required, this will be charged at our standard hourly rates as set out in our terms and conditions and will be an additional cost to the quoted price.

12. Water Supply

Hero Plumbing Ltd will not accept liability where your central heating system does not function properly because your water supply becomes inadequate or the water pressure becomes variable.

13. In Situ Heating Systems

13.1 Hero Plumbing Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any existing installations that are present when we are contracted to work. We will not accept liability for the cost of repairing or replacing parts of your existing system, which subsequently develop faults, and may charge for subsequent visits by our engineers. This applies to the following:

  • Connecting new equipment to your existing plumbing or heating system
  • Leaks caused by a conversion from a tank-fed system to a sealed system
  • Leaks attributed to power flushing of pipework and radiators
  • Internal leaks or malfunctions caused by an existing appliance being re-installed or moved (e.g., boiler) as a direct result of this installation

13.1.5 Exclusions apply to customers on service plans where work is specified and included within the terms and conditions of their service plan. See website for further details: www.heroplumbing.co.uk.

14. Power Flushes

14.1 Power flushes are quoted individually; see website for details.

14.2 Power flushes are recommended every 7 years.

14.3 In circumstances where your heating system is excessively full of magnetite and sludge, a further power flush may be recommended at a future date.

14.4 Further power flushes will be chargeable at our standard power flush rates; see website for details.

15. Service Plans

These are our service plans:

  • Hero
  • Superhero
  • Avenger

Full details can be found on our website: www.heroplumbing.co.uk.

16. Terms of Service Plans

All service plans are subject to an initial inspection by one of our engineers prior to joining.

16.1 Eligibility of Service Plans:In order to be eligible for one of our service plans, we require that you are:

  • A minimum of 18 years old
  • A UK resident
  • The owner of the heating system, boiler, and plumbing system
  • The boiler must be under 15 years old and in good working order at the start of your service plan
  • The boiler is used purely for domestic purposes

Boilers, heating systems, and plumbing systems used for business or of industrial grade will not be eligible for a Hero Plumbing Ltd service plan. The boiler must pass an initial inspection of fitness by one of our gas safe engineers at our discretion.

If any of the above do not apply, Hero Plumbing Ltd reserves the right to not accept and decline your custom for one of our service plans.

16.2 Acceptance onto Service Plans:Acceptance onto one of our service plans does not imply that the boiler, heating system, or plumbing system is installed to the relevant standards in accordance with the manufacturers, building regulations, and the Gas Safe register. Hero Plumbing Ltd will not accept liabilities arising from the original design or installation and does not warrant the fitness for purpose.

16.3 New Parts Required Under Service Plan:Parts will only be fitted where old ones are beyond reasonable repair. We will be the sole arbitrators as to the condition of the parts, and any replacement or repairs will be made at our engineer’s discretion. Where a radiator requires replacement, we will only change it for a standard white radiator. Designer radiators and towel rails will be attempted to be repaired but not covered for replacement. Replacements for such items will be subject to additional costs. Boiler heat exchangers damaged by debris, sludge, or scale will not be covered for parts or labour.

16.4 Boiler Noise:As boilers get older, they can become noisy for many reasons. Noise due to the age of the appliance will not be considered a fault and is not covered under any plan.

16.5 Charges of Service Plans:If a service plan is cancelled partway through the year, we reserve the right to charge you for any service and/or repairs we have already carried out at our standard fees. You will also be required to pay the remainder of the 12 months’ contract unless covered by the 14-day cooling-off period.

16.6 Annual Boiler Service or Gas Safety Certificate:If this is included in your plan, we will try to arrange a visit for this to take place, but you remain responsible for ensuring it happens within the contract period and before any previous expiry dates.

16.7 System Flushing:If we recommend that your heating system requires a power flush, we will provide you with a quotation, and once the system is cleaned sufficiently, we will continue with any service plan in place.

17. Service Plan Exclusions and/or Limitations

17.1 Exclusions:Exclusions from our service plan include any of the following:

  • Repairs caused by pre-existing faults and/or work due to poor workmanship or incorrect installations, including when the boiler does not comply with required industry standards.
  • Any accidental or deliberate damage caused by you, the customer, or a third party, or by use outside the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines.
  • Repairs covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, including any parts that the manufacturer recommends should be replaced, changed, or serviced regularly.
  • Any loss, including financial, or damage to any property caused by the boiler, heating system, or plumbing system breaking down or leaking.
  • Faults or damage in the heating or boiler system caused by sludge, lime scale, scaling, or blockages, including the cost of removing sludge, lime scale, or scaling from the system or adding a corrosive inhibitor.
  • Removal of any obstructions or dangerous waste materials.
  • Replacement of any showers or shower cubicles, taps, basins, toilets, baths, kettle taps, or their fixtures and fittings.
  • Any loss due to delay, parts, or boiler or heating system not working.
  • Damage caused by external weather conditions such as freezing temperatures, lightning, storms, floods, fire, or any other natural events.
  • Any part of a boiler flue concealed within the fabric of the building.
  • Routine maintenance, cleaning, descaling, turning on or lighting up the system, clearing airlocks or blocked pipes, bleeding the system, or topping up boiler pressure.
  • Any faults, blockages, or damage located below ground drainage.
  • Any boilers or heating system parts imported by you from outside the European Union.
  • Replacement of any boiler when repair is not possible.
  • Any costs for work recommended after a service of your boiler.
  • Any water pressure adjustments or gas leaks.
  • Any airlocks in the heating system.
  • Any emergency or urgent work required before the 14-day cooling-off period has expired.

18. Limitations

Service plans will commence after the 14-day cancellation period has expired. Any work is limited to the value of £250 in the first 3 months of your contract. Any early termination of the contract will be subject to an invoice for work carried out. Any repairs are limited to the cost of £400. Adjustments to time controls and thermostats are offered while already on-site but not covered as a specific call-out. We will pay up to a maximum of £1,000 for any claim for repair or replacement of an appliance, including VAT, call-out charges, labour, parts, and materials, when covered within the agreed Avengers service plan only. An emergency and/or urgent repair required before the acceptance date or requested before the 14-day cancellation period has expired is excluded.

19. Using Service Plan Procedure

19.1 Please contact us on our office number, 01323 884322, during working hours, and one of our staff or engineers will guide you through the process of having your boiler or heating issue resolved. We will discuss with you the options to solve the issue and book an appointment to attend when applicable.

19.2 We will arrange for one of our engineers to attend and carry out repairs when required in accordance with the terms and conditions of your service plan.

19.3 If you call out of hours, please leave a message on our answerphone, and one of our engineers will get back to you as soon as possible.

19.4 When you apply for one of our service plans, we will require information from you about your boiler and heating system. All information must be accurate and provided in full.

19.5 You have a duty of care to look after, handle, operate, service, and replace components in your boiler as required in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

19.6 You must ensure that you allow a Hero Plumbing Ltd engineer access to the boiler and heating system when required.

19.7 Pay for the service in accordance with the prices and schedule within your service plan.

20. Service Plan Contracts

All service plans are subject to a 12-calendar-month contract.

21. Boiler Warranty

The warranty for a boiler and/or cylinder will be covered by the manufacturer as agreed in the quotation. The warranty only applies to the boiler. It does not apply to any existing parts of the system. All other works carried out by Hero Plumbing Ltd and parts and labour are guaranteed for 1 year. However, any existing components or pipework not changed are not included within this guarantee. Furthermore, all boilers need to be serviced annually to remain under warranty.

22. Void Warranty

If the warranty becomes void due to the appliance not being serviced, then Hero Plumbing Ltd accepts no responsibility for this. We will contact our clients to remind them to have it serviced, but the responsibility of having the required work completed lies with the customer.

23. Removal of Flooring

Hero Plumbing Ltd accepts no liability for the removal of any carpets, linoleum, and special types of flooring, e.g., tongue-and-grooved, parquet, hardwood, or tiled floors, to carry out the installation, except in circumstances where the company has been negligent.

24. Redecoration

Hero Plumbing Ltd will take all reasonable care and skill to carry out the installation. However, you accept that the installation may include removing or destroying existing fixtures or fittings and may cause damage to your decorations and fittings in your home. This provision does not exclude the company’s responsibility for damage due to negligence during the installation. It is anticipated that certain areas in your home may need redecoration following completion of the central heating/general plumbing installation. This will be your responsibility and is not included within the price.

25. Call Back

Should you feel there is an issue with our work, then Hero Plumbing Ltd will be very happy to return and rectify it at no cost. However, should we return to the site for a call back, but the problem is unrelated to the work carried out by Hero Plumbing Ltd, then our standard charges shall apply.

26. Estimates and Quotes

All of our estimates and quotations are free and without obligation.

27. VAT

All prices quoted exclude VAT, which is applicable at the current rate.

28. Customisations

Where an order or work includes customised items, these items will be non-refundable once the order is placed with us, and should you cancel your order with us, the cost of any custom items shall still be payable in full. Where a previously accepted order is cancelled with less than 7 days’ notice, we reserve the right to still invoice you.

29. Replacement Parts

29.1 We are not responsible or liable for delays of parts from our suppliers outside of our control. In circumstances when our delivery of the product(s) is delayed by an event outside our control, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know, and we will take reasonable steps to minimise the effect of the delay.

29.2 We may fit replacement parts that are deemed suitable at the engineer's discretion but may vary from the part it replaces.

30. Guaranteed Work

30.1 Hero Plumbing Ltd shall provide a free guarantee for the period of one year. This applies to workmanship only and not to parts.

30.2 Boiler warranty: This is not supplied by Hero Plumbing Ltd but directly from the manufacturer. When applicable, the boiler warranty length will be made clear during the quotation stage and will be subject to the following conditions:

  • The fault is not due to your existing radiators and/or pipework, valves, pumps, or boiler.
  • The work carried out has not been properly kept, used, serviced, and maintained in strict accordance with the manufacturer's or Hero Plumbing Ltd instructions and has not been modified except with the company’s consent.
  • The fault is not due to accidental or wilful damage, fair wear and tear, interference with, or maintenance work by a third party.
  • The customer makes no further use of the works after the defect had been or ought to have been discovered.
  • All free guarantee work will be carried out during normal working hours.
  • Nothing in these conditions will reduce your statutory rights relating to faulty or mis-described goods.

30.3 Where attendance of a Hero Plumbing Ltd engineer is needed for any purpose other than a scheduled maintenance visit or for a Hero Plumbing Ltd engineer to meet its guarantees as per the above clause, a charge for such attendance will be made. This will need to be paid on the day of the engineer's visit. If, on attendance at your premises by a Hero Plumbing Ltd engineer, it is established that the fault on the system is covered by your free guarantee and does not concern your existing system, any monies paid by you will be refunded.

31. Responsibility After Delivery

After delivery of any plumbing-related products and/or services from Hero Plumbing Ltd, you will be responsible for their safe-keeping, and you should make sure that you are adequately insured against loss or damage which may occur to those goods.

32. Personal Agreement

This agreement is personal to you and not transferable without written authority from Hero Plumbing Ltd.

33. Title of Goods

Title in the goods will not pass to you, the customer, but shall be retained pending payment in full of the price. Until such time as title passes to you, the customer, Hero Plumbing Ltd shall have absolute authority to re-take, sell, or otherwise deal with or dispose of all or any part of the goods in which title remains vested in them.

33.1 For the purposes specified above, Hero Plumbing Ltd or any of their agents or authorised representatives shall be entitled at any reasonable time during normal working hours to enter without notice onto any premises where the goods or any part of the goods are installed, stored, or kept, or are reasonably believed to be.

33.2 Hero Plumbing Ltd shall also be entitled to seek an injunction to prevent you, the customer, from selling, transferring, or otherwise disposing of the goods.

34. Standard Pricing and Charges

34.1 Hourly Rate:£75.00 for the first hour

34.2 Standard Pricing:All charges will be clearly laid out within our quotation, excluding VAT, and/or in the service plan terms and conditions when applicable, and/or in writing, including on our website www.heroplumbing.co.uk.

34.3 Additional Charges:

  • Administration charges: Applicable in circumstances where payment is late, stopped, or outside of the agreed time schedule. These will be charged at £25 per correspondence.
  • Travel and Parking charges: Added to the invoice to cover parking and congestion charges, as applicable.
  • Parking permits: It is the responsibility of the homeowner, tenant, or agent to provide a parking permit or register our van with the local authority for parking, wherever possible. This particularly applies where there are no pay and display parking bays within a reasonable distance (typically 100m) of the property. Failure to organise parking may increase costs to our clients.
  • Removal of obstructions: At our sole discretion, charged at our standard hourly rates.
  • Material charges: Applied for the supply of any parts and materials necessary beyond those quoted. We will make reasonable attempts to discuss extra costs during the process of any work.
  • Troubleshooting: Charged at our standard hourly rate plus any additional travel charges if requested to troubleshoot a problem but not to carry out the work.
  • VAT rate: If the rate of VAT changes between your acceptance date and the date we supply any plumbing-related product(s) and/or service, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay unless you have already paid for the product(s) and/or services in full before the change in the rate of VAT takes effect.
  • Error in price: If product/services are incorrectly priced, we will normally check prices before sending a quotation. If the product/services price at your order date is less than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount. If the product/services price at your order date is higher, we will contact you for instructions before commencing work.
  • Deposits: For prices over £500.00, we require a 50% deposit to be paid in advance to secure dates and order materials. For prices lower than £500.00, you must make an advance payment of 25% of the price before we start providing services. The balance must be paid in full upon completion.

35. Payments

35.1 Service Plans Payments: Made on a monthly basis starting 14 days after acceptance by Direct Debit to Hero Plumbing Ltd.

35.2 Payments will continue each calendar month for a total of one calendar year. After one year, payments will continue for another year unless you inform us otherwise. We will send the required paperwork to you within the last month of your contract. Exclusions apply if you notify us in writing of your intention to cancel.

36. Payments Excluding Service Plan Contracts:

36.1 We accept payment via BACS (preferred), credit or debit card, cheque, or by card over the phone using DOJO. Due to cheques being lost in the post, it is advisable to inform us when the cheque has been sent and to include the invoice number. Cheques should be made payable to Hero Plumbing Ltd.

36.2 If we are unable to collect any payment from you by the due date, we may charge interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 8% a year above the base lending rate of Barclays Bank at that time. This interest shall accrue daily from the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment. You must pay interest together with any overdue amount.

36.3 If you make a payment that is subsequently stopped, declined, or returned by the bank for any reason, the company will charge you administration costs for letters and telephone calls made to you and any other charges incurred.

36.4 If you think an invoice is wrong, please contact us promptly to let us know.

36.5 In the event of jobs not being completed to the correct standard, the customer shall not be entitled to withhold more than 5% or £250 (whichever is greater). Once Hero Plumbing Ltd has corrected the issue, the withheld amount must be paid in full.

36.6 For all projects where stage payments have been agreed and scheduled in writing, payment MUST be made upon completion of each stage. Failure to do so will result in cessation of work for any subsequent stages until payment is made. Legal proceedings may be instigated at our discretion.

36.7 You will be sent an invoice for payment upon completion of work. Failure to make payment within 7 days will result in the commencement of legal proceedings following internal proceedings.

37. Cancellations of Work

37.1 You may contact us to end your work at any time before we have delivered it and you have paid for it, but in some circumstances, we may charge you for doing this, as described below. You always have rights where products and/or services are faulty or mis-described.

37.2 If you are ending the contract for a reason set out in clauses 37.3.1 to 37.3.6 below, the contract will end immediately.

The reasons are:

  • 37.3.1 We have told you about an upcoming change to the product(s) and/or services or these terms which you do not agree to.
  • 37.3.2 We have told you about an error in the price or description of the product(s) and/or services you have ordered, and you do not wish to proceed.
  • 37.3.3 There is a risk that supply of the product(s) and/or services may be significantly delayed because of events outside our control.
  • 37.3.4 We have suspended supply of the product(s) and/or services for technical reasons, or we notify you that we are going to suspend them for technical reasons, in each case for a period of more than 3 months.
  • 37.3.5 You have a legal right to end the contract because of something we have done wrong.

37.4 If you are not ending the contract for one of the reasons set out in clause 37.2, then the contract will end immediately and we will refund any sums paid by you for product(s) and/or services not provided, but we may deduct reasonable compensation for the net costs we will incur as a result of your ending the contract.

37.5 Service plans are 12-month contracts. They all carry the applicable 14-day cooling-off period. If you choose to cancel within the 14-day cooling-off period, we will refund any payments made excluding any emergency and/or urgent maintenance work already completed. Any cancellations made after the 14 days will require payment for the remaining 12-month period.

38. Cooling-Off Period

38.1 Following Hero Plumbing Ltd's acceptance of your order of work and/or joining our service plan, in accordance with the terms above and in conjunction with the consumer contract (information, cancellation, and additional charges) regulations 2013, you, the customer, are entitled to a 14-day cooling-off period. The cooling-off period will start from either of the following, whichever is earlier:

  • Acceptance of work or contract of work
  • When Direct Debit is set up and payment established (in circumstances of service plans)

38.2 You have the right to cancel the contract within this cooling-off period without reason and can do so by filling out our notice of cancellation form on our website or by making contact with Hero Plumbing Ltd.

38.3 When this right is exercised by you, the customer:

  • Any deposits will be reimbursed within 14 days from the day Hero Plumbing Ltd has been informed of your decision to cancel.
  • Any service provided will be stopped.
  • We will not charge for work not delivered to you, the customer.
  • If work is cancelled after it has started but not completed, we will require payment for the services supplied up until the point of cancellation.
  • If we have not received any payment from you but provided any urgent and/or emergency services and/or products at your request during this time, we will charge you in accordance with our terms and conditions outlined.

38.4 Service plans will commence after the 14-day cooling-off period and the cancellation period has ended, excluding the following:

  • Circumstances which exclude your right to cancel include when:
    • Hero Plumbing Ltd has received an express request for urgent and/or emergency repairs/work or maintenance within the cooling-off period. This can be via phone correspondence, email, or letter.
    • Items ordered are bespoke to your specification or personalised, excluding items made by combining stock items.
    • Prices of goods and/or services are dependent upon fluctuations in the financial markets which are beyond the company's control.
    • If you request cancellation at a later date, unless we are in breach of contract, we have the right to refuse or retain all or part of any deposit and/or payments.

39. Contract Renewal of Service Plans

Your contract is for a minimum of 12 calendar months from the date of the first payment. Unless you instruct us otherwise, this contract will automatically renew each year. You will need to inform us in writing if you wish to cancel your service plan and we will need one calendar month's notice of intention to cancel.

40. Implications of Cancelling Service Plan

40.1 Boiler repairs are limited to £250.00 in the first 3 months of your plan.

40.2 Repairs that will cost in excess of £400.00.

41. Our Rights to End the Contract of Work and/or Service Plans

41.1 We may end the contract for product(s) and/or services at any time by writing to you if:

  • You do not make payments to us when due, and you still do not make payment within 7 days of us reminding you that payment is due.
  • You do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that is necessary for us to provide the product(s) and/or services.
  • You do not, within a reasonable time, allow us to deliver the product(s) or give us access to your property to provide the services to you.
  • We have advised that a permanent repair is needed to ensure your appliance or system works properly and safely, and you have not acted to resolve it appropriately in a reasonable time.
  • Invalid or misleading information has been provided by you about your heating system, boiler, or plumbing system.
  • Health and safety issues arise from your property or persons, deeming it unsafe to work in your property.

Specific to service plan customers only:

  • If anyone other than one of our engineers/subcontractors carries out work on the system, including if work has been carried out by someone else not authorised by us. This clause only applies to service plan contracts.

41.2 In the event of us cancelling a contract, we will refund any payment for products and/or services not fulfilled but charge our standard rates for any work already undertaken.

42. Suspension of Service Plans

42.1 We may have to suspend the services under our service plans in circumstances which include:

  • Dealing with technical problems or making minor technical changes.
  • Updating the services to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements.
  • Making changes to the services as requested by you or notified by us to you.

42.2 We will contact you in advance to inform you of the suspension of services unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. If we have to suspend the services for longer than 3 calendar months, you may contact us to end the contract, and we will refund any sums you have paid in advance for services not provided to you.

42.3 If you do not pay us for the services when due, and you still do not make payment within 7 days of us reminding you that payment is due, we may suspend the supply of the product(s) or service plan until you have paid the outstanding amounts.

43. If There Is a Problem with Hero Plumbing Work

43.1 If you have any questions or complaints about the product(s) and/or services, please contact us. You can telephone our customer service team at 01323 884322 or write to us at help@heroplumbing.co.uk, and we will make all reasonable attempts to resolve any issues raised.

43.2 In the unlikely event there is any defect with the plumbing services:

  • If remedying the defect is impossible or cannot be done within a reasonable time, we will refund the price you have paid for the services.
  • In all other circumstances, we will use every effort to repair or replace the defect free of charge, as soon as we reasonably can and, in any event, within 1 month.

43.3 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents, or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the goods; and for defective products under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

43.4 We only supply the product(s) for domestic and private use. If you use the product(s) for any commercial, business, or resale purpose, we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

44. Liability, Indemnity, and Insurance

44.1 All Hero Plumbing Ltd employees and subcontractors are insured against loss or injury through their negligence. The company will not be liable under this agreement for any loss or damage caused by Hero Plumbing Ltd or its employees or agents in circumstances where:

  • There is no breach of our duty of care owed to you by Hero Plumbing Ltd or by any of the company’s employees or subcontractors.
  • Such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach.
  • Any increase in loss or damage results from a breach by you of any term of this contract.

44.2 Hero Plumbing Ltd does not exclude any liability for loss of or damage to property directly resulting from the company’s breach of the agreement, but Hero Plumbing Ltd's liability for such loss or damage shall be limited to those losses which are a foreseeable consequence of the breach in respect of any one incident or series of incidents, whether related or unrelated, in any period of twelve months.

44.3 To complete your installation, Hero Plumbing Ltd will use its authorised employees or subcontractors. All contractors are approved by the company, are qualified, and Gas Safe registered, and chosen carefully to carry out high standards of workmanship.

44.4 Permitted by law, where we are in breach of the terms of this contract or cannot honour the agreement, the maximum liability will be limited to the cost of the relevant service plan you have in place (up to the amount you have paid for the current year). Under no circumstances are we liable for loss of earnings, profit, loss of goods, or loss of business.

44.5 None of these conditions limit us from liability relating to death or personal injury from our negligence.

44.6 This contract is strictly a maintenance contract and is not an insurance policy. Hero Plumbing Ltd is therefore not regulated by the FCA.

44.7 In circumstances where previous boiler installations do not meet the building and safety regulations, our engineer will explain any repair work required to meet the required standards.

44.8 We will only give your personal information to third parties where the law either requires or allows us to do so. This includes informing Gas Safe register and local authority regarding any building work required by law.

45. Other Important Terms

45.1 We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation.

45.2 This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

45.3 Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

45.4 If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things, and it will not prevent us from taking steps against you at a later date.

45.5 These terms are governed by English law, and you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the product(s) in the English courts.

46. Agreement to Terms and Conditions

By agreeing to any work completed by Hero Plumbing Ltd, including quotes, service plans, or emergency call-out work, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

47. How We May Use Your Personal Information

47.1 We will only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy: [Link to Privacy Policy].